Sacrament of BaptisM
In order to schedule a Baptism, both parents must first take a Baptismal Prep class. These classes are offered on the second Wednesday of each month from 7-8:30 PM. To register for this class call the Parish Office at 847-244-4161. This class credit is valid for three years and must be repeated in order to schedule additional baptisms after that period.
There is no parish fee but free-will donations are accepted.
After you have taken this class, you will need to fill out a Baptismal Intake Form and submit a copy of your child’s STATE birth certificate and a copy of the mother or father’s driver’s license.
Baptism will be offered (with a maximum of three children) at any weekend Mass or on Sundays at 12:30pm
For special circumstances or if you are an adult interested in receiving Sacraments or joining the Catholic Church call the parish office at 847-244-4161.