Weekly Bulletin
To view the Bulletin in your browser click on the date for the issue you wish to see. These pdf files require a pdf viewer - you can get the Adobe Reader at this link.
Please remember that all bulletin articles must be submitted by the 2nd Friday, prior to the week requested for printing. When you are e-mailing your articles, please send them to: bulletin@stpatrickwadsworth.org or fax them to (847) 336-0630. If you are dropping off articles at the parish office, please have them placed in the mailbox marked "Bulletin" in the reception area.
The current bulletin plus several archived editions are available at the link below. Please know that clicking here will open a new browser tab to a custom web page that is not hosted by stpatrickwadsworth.org. It is a special page that is provided for your convenience by our bulletin publisher at no charge to the parish.
PLEASE NOTE: As we continue uniting the two churches under the one parish name the bulletin website has changed slightly. There are two links below- one that will open the older link with previously published St. Pat’s bulletins and another linking to the new St. Brigid Bulletin publications.