Outreach Ministry Information — St. Brigid Parish - St. Pat's Church

Ministry needed?

Do you see a need at St Brigid’s Parish that isn't being met?
Do you feel God calling you to start a new ministry?

We have a process to help you evaluate whether to move forward or not with a new ministry.

Please print the attached sheet, complete it and send C/O Business Manager at the Parish Office

About our Ministries

St. Patrick's church community supports and encourages "stewardship sharing" as a way of life, as a path for Christian Discipleship, and as an expression of our gratefulness to the Lord for God's many blessings and gifts.

There are four basic convictions that underscore the stewardship lifestyle:

  • Everything we have is a gift from a loving and generous God.

  • God gave the world and all its resources to us to "care for", not to possess unconditionally.

  • Our fitting and grateful response to God is to give back a portion of our many blessings and gifts.

  • We share our time, talent and resources with others as an expression of our thanks and gratitude to God.

We believe that the future of our parish community, and of our broader human community, will ultimately be determined by the quality of the "world's" stewardship commitment and sense of obligation to return something.

We invite you to consider more than one hundred ministries and organizations that make-up our parish family, and to discern where God is calling you to devote your personal gifts, time, and talent.  The opportunities to share your God-given skills, abilities, and personal talents are many.  Download and print a form here to have someone contact you about any of our ministries. Or, shoot an email to Ministries@stpatrickwadsworth.org

(St. Patrick's is a member of the International Catholic Stewardship Council, www.catholicstewardship.org)

Please use this form to have your ministry information updated on the website

st. pat’s Ministries and Organizations

Outreach ministries
Food Pantry
Funeral Luncheons
Good Samaritan
Jail Ministry
Knights of Columbus
Parish Picnic
Peru Ministry
Prayer Shawls
Scouting: Boys and Girls
Seasons of Hope
Sharing Parish Assistance
Soup Kitchen