Shedding a Little Light
“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; …To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” 1 Cor 12
There are no exceptions here, according to St. Paul. Everyone has a spiritual gift for the benefit of all. What is your gift? Have you even tried to find out? If you know what it is, are you using it? We all have spiritual gifts to benefit the body of Christ. They are not the same. You may judge them to be greater or lesser, but God sees all of them as important and unique. If we do not all do what we are called and gifted to do, then the body will not thrive. If you choose to keep your gifts to yourself, then part of who we are as a whole is lost. No one else can contribute what you have to offer. Without you, our seamless garment has holes. Our strength as a community is diminished when members choose to keep to the margins or devalue themselves. You are all worth so much to us! Step away from the edges. Come to the center, bring your gifts, serve God and God’s people, as you were meant to do. We need you! And you need to
Keep Living in the Light!