Resources for Lent:

Making New Disciples - All Are Welcome!!

Jesus Christ calls each of us to invite others to a true encounter and lifelong relationship with Him as His disciples in His Church. This journey of faith and conversion does not necessarily follow a calendar schedule. There are many ways and times to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Here at St. Pat’s, it is an ongoing process throughout the year that we work with seekers of all ages from grade school and up to complete their Sacraments of Initiation, which are Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist, and/or to profess their faith in the Catholic Church.

Please pray for all our catechumens and candidates who are preparing to be baptized and/or complete their Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil on April 8.  All parishioners are invited to attend this very special evening Mass.

Val Walker, Director of Faith Formation

A Letter from Pope Francis: Laudato Si’ – On the care of our common home

The month of May marks the anniversary of this landmark document addressed to the whole planet. The Pope renewed his urgent call to respond to the ecological crisis: “The cry of the earth and the cry of the poor cannot continue…Let’s take care of creation, a gift of our Good Creator God.” Here are some of the activities at all levels of the Church, in order to open the conversation for potential action here at our own parish.

From Rome

The encyclical only achieves its objectives if it draws us to action. The Vatican has released a multi-year plan aiming for total sustainability in the spirit of the integral ecology of Laudato Si’. This 7-year outline starts with a focus on families, and then dioceses/parishes, before moving onto other major groups.

Around the Chicago Archdiocese

  • A number of parishes already have or are forming Care for Creation teams. Different groups have focused on topics/activities such as Laudato Si’ Gardens, energy initiatives for parishes and schools, advocacy for state legislation, fostering awareness of Church teachings on the environment, etc.

  • The Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity has provided resources and learning opportunities online at to assist families and community in learning about the opportunities.

Things “Taking Root” at St. Brigid (link)

Care for Creation

When we care for creation, it is a sign of respect for God, our Crea-tor. The earth and its resources be-long to all God’s creatures and to future generations, which requires us as a community to protect and sustain our planet. Watch for a new periodic feature in our bulle-tin’s “Creation Care Corner,” which will offer information and sugges-tions on how we all can participate in caring for this precious gift of our world around us.

It is always the “right time” to grow in Faith!

Our faith journeys are not limited to a pre-determined school year schedule. Whether it is completing your Sacraments, or going through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process, or even just want learn more about our Catholic beliefs, we are happy to talk with you and help guide you through the best steps for your situation. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in learning more.

SOS Intercessory Prayer Group – Follow this link to submit a prayer request or learn more about being a “prayer warrior.” The group is now meeting bi-weekly on Thursday evenings via Zoom for ongoing spiritual development. 


Formed.Org   Anyone can register “as a parishioner” for full access to a wide variety of video/audio clips, movies, e-books;  To register, all that is needed is your email address, and our parish zip code of 60083 to find “Saint Brigid Parish.” Content can be accessed through your web browser, iOS, Android and TVOS, as well as Roku and AndroidTV. Offline playback is available through the Formed app at your local App store.

Perpetual Adoration Sites Around the World  Choose your favorite environment.

Popular Sites for Online Catholic Mass

The Catholic Mass Explained

Here are a few sites which offer an explanation of the Catholic Mass, and how to make it more meaningful for you and/or your family.  

Catholic Mom:   A variety of articles and resources for everyone

Catholic Cuisine:  Try out some of these recipes to make at home.

Additional Resources for Lent:


Our school (SPS) and religious education (SRE) programs  are both important ministries of our parish, and we strive to foster a sense of unity in our Sacramental celebrations by bringing these communities together for these important milestones.  Your specific teachers may also have additional information and dates that are not listed here.

First Reconciliation

  • Tuesday, Feb 7, 2023, 7:00-8:00PM Parent Enrichment Evening (Virtual)  (2023 PDF presentation is here). 

  • Sacrament date is Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 10:00am in the Main Church

First Holy Communion FOR SPRING 2023


  • Important Dates

    • Oct 2 OR October 4 – Orientation meeting for 7/8th grade Parents & Students

    • Oct 14 – Holy Fire Field Trip for School Children

    • Rite of Enrollment will be November  5 at 6pm Mass OR Nov 6 at 11am Mass for 7th Grade

    • November 20 – Shrine of All Saints Field Trip for SRE Students in 7th, 8th, and Prep for Confirmation, and OLH RE candidates

    • Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 10:00AM  - Confirmation Mass at St. Pat’s


Click here for the latest news:


Our St. Pat’s Youth Group is excited to have such a large group of young people to accompany as they continue their faith journey throughout high school. But to be successful, we need young adults who value and practice their faith to help plan and lead activities (both virtual and in-person) for our teens. Right now, all we are asking is for a couple of short evenings a month. If you love to be around teens, and would like to help grow our Youth Ministry, please visit to learn more, or call me at the Parish Office to talk about the possibilities.

St. Pat’s Youth Ministry page

Register for Parish Youth activities

Local Young Adult Ministry


If you are not receiving the monthly Parish Newsletter, please submit your email to us at

Val Walker, Dir. Faith Formation