new dates:
The next Light of the World Retreat will be march 21-24, 2025
at our lady of humility
Typical LOTW schedule:
Friday 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, 8:15 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, 8:15 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Monday, 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Learn more about Light of the World by visiting
Frequently asked questions:
Light of the World Retreat - FAQ's
Q - Is it required to attend all the days of the retreat?
A - Answer: Since each day of the retreat builds on the experiences of the day before, it is necessary to attend the entire retreat. In some cases, we can work around the need to miss an hour or two, depending on the timing.
Q - I am not a member of St. Brigid Parish. Can I attend the retreat?
A- Absolutely! We have “non-St. Brigid” parishioners at every retreat.
Q - My faith is important to me but I am concerned that attending a retreat for a whole weekend is just too much. I really don't want to get stuck listening for hours to boring religious stuff. Is Light of the World for me?
A - This retreat is anything but boring. It is filled with insights, refreshing perspectives, excellent humor, really good food (delicious/homemade), touching real life testimonies, lively discussions. It will touch your heart, open your mind and deepen your faith - GUARANTEED!
Q - Is there special preparation necessary for the retreat? Do I need to take notes or bring other study materials?
A - No! you do not need to bring anything. Just come and relax. Attending this retreat is completely carefree.
Q - I have someone at home with special needs. What if I have an urgent need at home during the retreat?
A - While it is important to attend the retreat from start to finish, a member of the retreat team is constantly monitoring a cell number for important messages. All you need to do is give that number to your friends or loved ones and tell them to call if they need you during the retreat. A retreat team member will notify you immediately if there is a message for you. You will also have opportunities during breaks to check your own cell phone for urgent messages if you wish.
Q - I see that the retreat starts on Friday and ends on Monday. I sometimes do not get home from work until dinner time. When does the retreat start on these days and are meals provided?
A - The retreat's Friday and Monday sessions start at 6:30PM. To keep the required time as short as possible, dinner is not served, however delicious wholesome snacks are provided on Friday and Monday evenings.
Q - I am interested in attending, however my wife is Catholic but I am not. Can I attend?
A - Absolutely! While LOTW is a Catholic retreat, non-Catholics are welcome. We do ask that you let us know in advance so we can personalize your experience of Catholic sacraments for anyone who is not Catholic.
What people are saying about LOTW:
About the Retreat
Those who will attend an LOTW retreat for the first time and want to deepen their faith and grow closer to Jesus Christ.
Past retreatants are also welcome - each retreat is a new and living experience.
The retreat starts Friday evening (after work) and ends on Monday evening (after work) and runs all day Saturday and Sunday. Attendance at all 4 sessions is strongly encouraged.
You will return home each evening - this is not an overnight retreat.
The retreat happens on either the St. Patrick Campus or the Our Lady of Humility campus and alternates.
What To Expect
Education, enlightenment, reflection, music, prayer, and really good jokes!
A "classroom style" retreat with up to 50 fellow parishioners providing time to relax, listen, and learn.
No special requirements or preparation - you only need to want to a better life through a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Delicious meals are provided with plenty of snacks available between meals.
Donation: $25.00 to cover cost of all meals. Make check payable to St. Patrick Church (note LOTW in the memo). If you cannot afford the $25 please come anyway - all are welcome!
Please send checks via one of the following:
Mail checks to the St. Pat’s rectory (15000 Wadsworth Rd., Wadsworth IL 60083) Attn: Vera Rosado, or
Drop in the rectory mail slot on the way to church.
Light of the World Retreat Registration Form