Parish Survey Results
Below are the results of our parish-wide survey. The questions/answers have been divided into efficiency groups for a better understanding of how they apply to our parish environment and the respondents’ current feelings regarding their own faith journeys.
In the coming weeks and months we look forward to using this data to enhance the spiritual experience for all the parishioners here at St. Brigid Parish. Remember that the survey is focused on understanding where we, as individual Catholics and parishioners, find ourselves in our spiritual growth. While looking at the responses we ask ourselves, and evaluate as parish leadership, questions that seem to arise from the responses, like:
What is my real relationship with Jesus Christ? Is it enough for me or am I still reaching?
I want to be closer to God - how can my church and parish help get me there?
I’d like to get to know and feel closer to my parish community but I don’t feel a connection. How can the parish help me fit in?
I see projects and ministries where I’d like to help - who do I contact? Will I be welcomed?
Sometimes I feel like I’m just “not getting it” at Mass. How can I better understand-
The order and meaning of the Mass
The meanings of the Mass readings and how they apply to my life
When I’m confused, or concerned, who do I reach out to?
I find it hard to pray sometimes. Maybe I’m too busy or stressed or distracted - how can the parish help me?
How can I expand my involvement in the church community beyond just an “every Sunday” event (and in doing so be able to grow closer to Jesus)?
Remember that no personal data is made available to the parish - only the responses as noted.
Strengths & Opportunities
Questions for which your parish had the strongest positive and negative results based on strongly agree or high frequency
Key Drivers showing liklihood to recommend parish to others
Questions that are statistically significant with respect to a parishioner's likelihood to recommend the parish, say the parish is helping them grow spiritually, and frequency with which they are sharing their faith
Belief in Core Catholic Teaching
Questions related to parishioners' degree of belief in core teachings of the faith
Effectiveness of Parish Support
Questions related to how well the parish supports parishioners personally and spiritually
Leadership Indicators
Questions most directly related to parish leadership
Sunday Experience
Questions directly related to the Sunday experience
Spiritual Practices
Questions related to the faith practices of your people
Missionary Impulse
Questions related to the missionary discipleship practices of your people