Narthex food Basket Ministry
You may be wondering, if you are new to our parish, what the baskets are for in the Narthex. Here is a brief explanation of each of those baskets. We hope that you will faithfully bring items to these baskets to help the poor, and those in need on a regular basis.
Food Carts: There are two carts in the narthex for non-perishable food collected for St. Pat’s Food Pantry located in the Parish Office garage.
Clothing/Shoes: Boots/Purses: Most of these go to the Holy Family Soup Kitchen in Waukegan.
Books: Suitable children’s books are used in the Literacy Program; some go the Soup Kitchen in Waukegan. These books can also be used for young children who are in the Narthex during Mass.
School Supplies: these are given to our Sharing Parish, the Peru Mission or the Soup Kitchen.
Household Goods: small appliances, bedding, towels, kitchenware are given to our Sharing Parish, Immaculate Conception in Chicago. Some items are taken to the Soup Kitchen for distribution.
Eyeglasses/Cases/Hearing Aides: are given to the Lion’s Club for distribution to the needy.
Aid for Women (The Catholic Outreach Program for unwed moms): Infant clothing and supplies, crib sheets, and maternity clothes are gathered in this basket.
PADS (public action to deliver shelter): toiletries, foot power, chap-sticks, toothpaste and brushes, deodorant.
Prayer Shawls: This ministry prays as they knit and crochet shawls for others, particularly the bereaved. They can use yarn, knitting needles and crochet hooks.