Sword of the Spirit | Online Prayer Requests
Sword of the Spirit: An Intercessory Healing Prayer Ministry
"Thank you Lord that You will grant that Your bond servants will speak Your Word with all confidence, while You will extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders will take place through the name of Your Holy Servant Jesus." (Acts 4:29-30)
SOS = Help!
Do you ever feel that the needs are so great all around you and you wonder what can I possibly do?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the situations and/or circumstances encountered by family, friends or even strangers?
Do you often hear people say, "I will pray for you" and then wonder if they really do, or what does that really mean?
Do you ever offer to pray for someone, shoot up an arrow prayer and then life gets in the way and you never think about that person's need again?
Praying for the needs of God's people can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. It offers us a unique way to see God's power and love working in peoples' lives as we come to Him in prayer. Many within the community of St. Patrick have felt and acted upon the call to intercede in prayer for family, friends, our community and strangers. The Sword of the Spirit intercessory healing prayer ministry (SOS) has been formed to meet this need and provide prayer support to our parish community through daily intercession using God's Word in prayer .... "standing in the gap" on behalf of those who need healing, strength, hope and more.
"Thus I have searched among them who could build a wall or stand in the gap before me to keep me from destroying the land." Ezekiel 22:30
This new intercessory prayer ministry at St. Pat's has been inspired by Joy Lamb's book, The Sword of the Spirit. The Word of God. A handbook for praying God's Word. Joy heard the Lord speak to her when she came to him with a long list of needs and prayer requests - feeling overwhelmed - she asked, "what should I do". The Lord told her "Pray My Word child. It brings healing in all areas. Trust Me and pray My Word." Joy writes,
"God is His Word and praying God's Word is speaking the very being of God into the situation. Meditating upon His Word causes truth, Spirit and power to become integrated with our own beings and with the being for whom we are interceding."1
And scripture tells us – “The Word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two edge sword, penetrating between soul and spirit, joints and marrow and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart” (Heb 4:12)
Our Mission:
We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ within the parish community of St. Patrick.
The mission of the Sword of the Spirit Healing Prayer Ministry is to bring intercessory healing prayer to our community by calling forth committed prayer warriors who will intercede on behalf of others, with love and compassion, using God’s Holy Word to bring healing in all areas of their lives.
"...Enable your servants to speak your word with all boldness, as you stretch forth your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are done through the name of your holy servant Jesus." Acts 4:30
Intercessory Healing Prayer - How it Works:
Prayer requests can be submitted via St. Pat SOS web page
Only a first name and last initial are required and a brief explanation of the prayer need
All Prayer Requests are kept confidential and shared only with Intercessory Prayer Warriors
Prayer requests are received/collected daily and distributed to Intercessory Prayer Warriors
Prayer requests will be prayed over for 30 days
By submitting your prayer request, you can be assured that your intention will receive soaking, loving prayer by one or more Intercessory Prayer Warriors using The Word of God.
The Word of God:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God." John 1:1
"And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:17
And scripture tells us – “The Word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two edge sword, penetrating between soul and spirit, joints and marrow and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart” (Heb 4:12)
Inspired by Joy Lamb's book, THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT. THE WORD OF GOD., St. Pat's Intercessory Prayer Warriors will use scripture categorized by the type of need and/or healing a person may require.
Prayer categories include:
Physical Healing, Cancer, Inner/Emotional Healing, Relationships (family, siblings, work, etc), Marriage Relationships, Generational Healing, Joy & Peace, Faith & Strength, Comfort / Grief, Wisdom & Guidance, Salvation, Protection, Lost/Backslider, Blessings, Shattering Strongholds.
Submit a Prayer Request:
As a prayer warrior, we know that God created each person in love. Every person comes from God, they are on earth to serve God and one day will return to God. As intercessors we are never to judge or condemn another human being. That is God's task and His alone. As an intercessory prayer MINISTRY, it is our job to listen, love and pray. We are only to pray and lift the needs of His people up to the Lord in love, so that "... His hand may be extended to heal" Acts 4:30. We do the praying, Jesus does the healing. It is that simple.
Click Here to submit a Prayer Request
Click Here to submit a Praise Report
Become an Intercessory Prayer Warrior
One of our objectives is to raise up MANY intercessory prayer warriors within our parish community. There is great power when "two or more are gathered in His Name". Praying for the needs of others can be very rewarding and fulfilling; and will also deepen your own faith and prayer life. It is also a commitment to those in need of prayer, to Jesus and to our Church. As you discern your interest, consider the following:
Do you have a desire or tendency to pray for longer periods of time than most people do?
Do you have a tendency to pray with intensity, fervor and compassion?
Do you enjoy prayer and receive personal satisfaction from it?
Do you have a compassionate, caring, loving heart or disposition?
Do you see answers to your prayers in more ways than most other believers?
Are you willing to make a commitment to regular time to pray for the needs of other?
If you would like to learn more about this ministry and how to become an Intercessory Prayer Warrior, please contact Rich Holevoet at lilrj2001@sbcglobal.net or (224) 355-3791.
1 Lamb, Joy. Published by Lamb's Books, Inc. 2008. The Sword of the Spirit The Word of God. A handbook for praying God's Word.